I had this weird urge to write Tim and Tony meeting for the first time as little kids, and then I remembered it was Remembrance Sunday (I know you US guys do Veterans Day on the 11th) and somehow this was what came out. The title is from the poem, "For the Fallen" by Laurence Binyon
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To solve my writing woe (self-indulgent OHNOES! crap, don't worry), I wrote fic. Yay, me? It's a little angstier than usual which was interesting for me to write. See what you think.
Wow, so apparently I haven't written anything since June, omg. And now here I am posting when LJ/Dreamwidth are so quiet you can almost see the tumbleweeds. My life is a series of bizarre choices.
Anyway. Enough worry-warting from me. Thank you to my darling
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